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Sunday, February 14, 2010

6th Annual - Your Furry Valentine Contest

Share your love stories and everyone wins! barker & meowsky's 6th Annual - Your Furry Valentine Contest

With Valentine's Day’s arrival, we can’t help but think of true love and love stories – especially those little sources of unconditional love, our own furry valentines. Throughout the year we’re privileged to hear from our customers stories of rescue, destiny and love at first sight and we want to hear more! Think back and remember the moment you realized that you and your furry friend were meant to be together. Was it love at first sight? Were you surfing and saw a face you just couldn’t forget? Were you in a shelter and saw a cat that you had to share your life with? Did your dog save you from a burning building? What is it that they do every day that makes you love them a little more?

Every year the entries make us laugh and cry - we are always touched. Last year’s winning stories illustrated the powerful effect our furry friends have on all of us. Just when we think we are rescuing them, they are rescuing us right back! Good luck, and remember, you have a furry valentine so you’re already a winner! As always, we want to reward true love, so every entry receives a coupon code for a special valentine offer. (Cat got your tongue? Simply tell us you love your furry friend to receive your coupon.) Thank you for sharing your stories with us!

This year we’re thrilled to welcome our celebrity judges, beloved Chicago veterinarian Dr. Marla Minuskin & animal expert Steve Dale.

The details:

Everyone who enters gets a coupon code.
Prize packages: 1st place = $150 value, 2nd place = $75 value.

Entry deadline 2/28/2010.

Winners announced 3/4/2010.

Email your story & pictures (we love pictures!!!) to

Winning stories will be published on our blog.

About Our Celebrity Judges:
Dr. Marla Minuskin
, is one of Chicago’s most beloved veterinarians. A graduate of the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine in 1985 and the co-founder of Family Pet Animal Hospital in 1990. Dr. Minuskin skillfully and lovingly cares for more barker & meowsky customers than we can count!

Steve Dale
, a champion of the human-animal bond, pet expert and certified dog and cat behavior consultant, reaches more pet owners than any other pet journalist in America. Steve writes a twice weekly syndicated newspaper column (Tribune Media Services), he’s a contributing editor at USA Weekend and host of two nationally syndicated radio shows, The Pet Minute, and Steve Dale’s Pet World at WLS Radio, Chicago. Steve Dale's website is a wonderful resource for all of us who love our pets.

1 comment:

christine said...

when will the winning stories be posted on this blog as indicated in the contest announcement?