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Monday, November 17, 2008

Let sleeping dogs lie...

What does a dog dream of? Flying like Superdog across fields of squirrels, stopping to sniff a floating fire hydrant every once in a while? Does he dream of turning the tables on his human masters, fomenting a revolution where all domestic animals rise up like in an Orwellian farce? Maybe he dreams of being in a bathtub full of greenies, or of a creature with a looped body and the head of a rooster? Does she dream of showing up late to take an obedience training test? Naked? With no No. 2 pencils? Well let her sleep in peace!

Check out "Dog Having a Bad Dream II" to watch the facial expressions. Then check out the noises in "Dog Crying in Sleep" to listen to people laugh at the dog's anxiety dream.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Hew was just a regular black lab. Now he's "Skeeter, J.D."

Baylor University in Waco, Texas, awarded an honorary law degree on Saturday to Skeeter the black lab. Skeeter served as a companion to law student, now graduate, Amy Jones since she became a quadriplegic in a skiing accident. The Houston Chronicle reports that Skeeter who attended classes with Amy would sometimes growl to underscore a professor's point. This paw firm is ready to put Skeeter on retainer immediately to settle some of our, um, beagle issues. A dog doesn't need to pass the bar to wear a Superdog ID tag, so we'd suggest one if you're looking for the right gift for any awesome dog you know and love.

Kitty mutters to self while drinking

Why is kitty acting like grandpa at Thanksgiving dinner? We don't have the answers, but we can't stop watching this video. Awwww. But we have to say, "Don't try this at home!" Kitty shouldn't have milk. If you want to give kitty a delicious treat so good that may or may not make him talk to himself, try some Wild Alaskan Salmon.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

"A Howl Of A Good Time" - Our 5th annual Halloween extrav-O-ganza!

Thanks for coming out and making this Barker & Meowsky event a howlin' good time! You guys are beautiful. But don't take my word for it. Look at your pictures! (Click for a closer look.)

Obama: "a mutt like me" - the presidential dog hunt continues

At his first press conference as President Elect, Barack Obama took questions on many topics, and thankfully addressed the one most important to this humble blogger's heart. Who will be chosen to fill the seat of First Doggie? When asked this question by a brave reporter Obama answered,
"We have two criteria that have to be reconciled."
New Chief of Staff appointee Rahm Emanuel giggled in the background at the President Elect's earnestness. We frankly do not see what is so funny. This is important to us, and we demand an apology from Mr. Emanuel. Unaware of the chuckling behind him, Obama continued in earnest,
"One is that [cutie-patootie 10-year-old daughter] Malia is allergic. So it has to be hypoallergenic. There are a number of breeds that are hypo-allergenic. On the other hand, our preference would be to get a shelter dog, but obviously, a lot of shelter dogs are mutts, like me."
Although there isn't really such a thing as an allergen-free dog there are many wonderful dogs out there who are shown to be hypoallergenic, or to be less likey to cause an allergic reaction.

We'll keep you posted when it's time to break out the T-bone Treats and Catnip Cigars to celebrate the new presidential puppy.